afaplan submitted an application according to Notification No. 4/SI/2012, under SI Qualification of PME, to which the No. 25761 was assigned.
Under the approved project, the investments will be done in the following areas:
- internationalization, based on the participation in international fairs, in design of catalogs/bilingual brochures and conduct of prospecting visits;
- internal reorganization, implemented through the acquisition of a new data center;
- dematerialisation of internal processes (between departments) and the engagement with the client;
- company disclosure, based on the development of an international web portal, in the company's publications and publication in international journals;
- certification of the laboratory analysis to building materials, according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001.
More information about the incentive systems, incentive fees and investment values can be found on the website or by following the hyperlinks of the publication.